30,000 litre vacuum trailer, with a 316 stainless steel tank to allow it to carry fertiliser, Jurop RV520 vacuum pump and a centrifugal pump to the rear for fertiliser movement.
This RCV Ultra Vac with wash-down was delivered to Drain and Sewer Services of Aldershot and joins their RCV Ultra Clean Recycler on their fleet as their second investment in RTN equipment. It has a 2220 gallon tank which is split for 2000 gallons of waste and 200 gallons water, it is equipped with a […]
Green Spark Environmental based in Doncaster have today taken delivery of this RCV Ultra Max Combination unit. They were able to take advantage of our ‘Tankers To Go’ system and waited just 6 weeks between order and collection. This is their second RCV Ultra Max unit and with their continued growth we look forward to […]
T & M Plant take delivery of their 3rd 30.000 litre RCV Ultra last vacuum tanker
Ancorra Environmental services take delivery of ADR RCV Ultra vac with wash down
Crown+ take delivery of this RCV Ultra Clean Recycler, MAN 26.430 TGS 6×2 rear steer chassis, 3200 gallon stainless steel tank, Jurop PVT400 vacuum pump producing 1550CFM along with Pratissoli MK60 340 LPM 170 BAR jetting pump and continuous recycling down to 50 micron. 300 degree boom, full wireless remote control as standard.
RCV Ultra Clean Recycler MAN 26.430 TGS 6×2 rear steer chassis 3200 gallon stainless steel tank Jurop PVT400 vacuum pump producing 1550CFM along with pratissoli MK60 340 LPM 170 BAR jetting pump Continuous recycling down to 50 micron 300 degree boom Full wireless remote control as standard.
RCV Ultra Max MAN 26.430 TGS 6×2 rear steer chassis 3200 gallon stainless steel tank Jurop PVT400 vacuum pump producing 1550CFM along with pratissoli MK60 340 LPM 170 BAR jetting pump 300 degree boom Full wireless remote control as standard.Telephone 01226 350650 or Email: info@rtnclaytonvallely.co.uk for more details.
Man TGS 26 .360 6×4 2012 350000 kms Whale tank and equipment 316 stainless steel tank 500CFM vacuum pump MOT November 12 months tank test and full service POA